Monthly Concerts: Concert 30.03.2019 | Wedding Pianist
Monthly Concerts: WKMT concerts are the most fabulous instance for a pianist to play in London. Why? For several reasons:
1. Our audience is truly musically motivated. They are students or parents of students attending piano lessons at WKMT studios. Due to the latter, our audience is genuinely interested in music. WKMT piano students attend WKMT concerts with the purpose of relating to each other and exercise their musical rhetoric.
2. WKMT schedules concerts at a solid monthly-regular pace. WKMT piano-concert-series are reliable in the sense that they never stop. Since its beginnings back in 2015, our concert series have been uninterrupted
The piano is just amazing! WKMT’s “Markson’s Pianos” Yamaha CFIII is just gorgeous! Thanks to Markson’s we count with an instrument that is a source of bewilderment on itself. It complements the acoustics at St. Cuthbert’s Church beautifully.
3. WKMT Concerts Venue -St. Cuthbert’s Philbeach Gardens- is mind-blowing! St. Cuthbert’s Philbeach […]